In the Bible, the brother of Moses, the founder of the priesthood and the first high priest. He helped Moses in calling down the TEN PLAGUES and leading the Children of Israel out of Egypt (c1200 BC). Aaron directed the construction of the golden calf (made of gold earrings and other jewelry), which was idolatrously worshiped by the Israelites as the god of their deliverance, while Moses was receiving the Ten Commandments from Jehovah (ex. 32). Aaron did not receive an inheritance in Canaan, as punishment for doubting God’s ability to bring water out of a rock.
Aaron’s Rod
The name given to the rod of the tribe of Levi, used by Aaron during the Ten Plagues and the crossing of the Red Sea. When Aaron left his rod in front of the Ark, in the Tabernacle, it miraculously blossomed and bore almonds. This was interpreted as evidence of Jehovah’s choice of Aaron as high priest (Num 17:8).